Get Involved
Do you want to be a part of this exciting project aimed at directly improving deity worship and raising personal standards? You can come and experience the course, tell others, facilitate a workshop, volunteer your time or donate to Mayapur Academy.

Come and experience our courses
If you are ready to take your service to the next step, then it would be a good idea to undertake the course we have described to you. Not only will you learn the art of worship but you will also get the opportunity to associate with devotees from around the world. There is a huge need for expert brāhmaṇas in our society and your involvement can make a big difference in the devotional lives of devotees, neophytes and yourself.
Tell others about the course
Now that you have had a chance to read so much about what we intend to do and if you see the value in all of this, why don’t you pass on the news to your network of devotees, friends and other contacts? Maybe you’d like to come to Mayapur together to study at the Here is an idea: If you have a personal website or a blog, perhaps you could mention us there with a link to this site. All such actions will result in more students and donations which could help this facility continue for generations to come. You can also share the Mayapur Academy site with social networking sites by clicking on the Share button floating at the top left of these pages. Happy sharing!

Facilitate a workshop
Maybe you can take the initiative to facilitate a workshop. Write to us and find out how you can go about doing this service.
Volunteer your time
There are many services that you can render to the Academy to assist the mission of educating devotees in brahminical knowledge and practice. It was Śrīla Prabhupāda’s desire that devotees come to Mayapur to be trained in devotional service and brahminical culture, and śāstra proclaims that the door of liberation becomes open to one who serves the desire of such great souls. So one can make great spiritual advancement by assisting in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission to educate the devotees in this way. Many of these services can be done from your own area, and don’t require a great deal of time, but at the same time they are very valuable services in helping the mission of Mayapur Academy. Service opportunities include: Promotion of Mayapur Academy in your local area by handing out leaflets to visitors or putting up posters in your local temple advertising the Academy’s courses. Using the Internet to help promote the Academy by posting links and articles to newsgroups, social networking sites etc. Collect books from your local area and arrange to have devotees traveling to Mayapur deliver them to the Academy library. Organize presentations in your local temple about Mayapur Academy (please contact us to co-ordinate such events), or invite Nṛsiṁha Kavaca Prabhu, or other Academy staff to make a presentation about the Academy. If you are already in Mayapur, or coming for a festival, come and do some service at the Academy. If you have any other ideas for how you would like to offer service to Mayapur Academy, please contact us, we’d love to hear your ideas!